(referred to in the subscription Contract which you will visualize after having completed the registration)


Art.1 – Object of the Contract

1.1 The conditions outlined below shall govern the relations of the supply of products and services by Comas Srl to the client.
1.2 The client shall have the option of requesting the informative services indicated in the title page and/or access by way of the internet, to Data Banks belonging to Comas Srl or managed and distributed by Comas Srl, based on the data deriving from public registers, lists, bulletins and public archives. The Client declares that he is aware both of the characteristics of the services which he is accessing, and the modalities of functioning of the service.


Art.2 – Expiry, duration and withdrawal

2.1 With the subscription of this contract, the Client undertakes to make payment in advance, according to the agreed modalities, the whole subscription fee, as indicated in the title page.
2.2 The Contract shall be valid for one year. At the end of this period, the Contract will not be renewed automatically.
2.3 In the case of a pre-paid subscription, the relevant fee may be used by the Client solely during the period of validity indicated in the title page and, in any event, not beyond one year from the date of subscription of the Contract. On expiry, any residue of the subscription remaining may no longer be used by the Client, unless the Client has taken out a new pre-paid subscription, of an equal or greater sum, on the basis of the price list then in force, to which there shall be added the unused remainder. In any case, the client shall have no right to any refund or indemnity on the pretext that he has not used in whole or in part the pre-paid subscription.
2.4 Comas Srl shall have the faculty to recede from the Contract at any time. Comas will communicate this to the Client, who shall have the right only to the refund of the pre-paid subscription, which shall be paid in advance, even where this has not been used. Any type of indemnity or compensation shall be excluded.


Art.3 – Amount due

3.1 The Client may utilize all the services listed in the title page and at the prices indicated there. Each consultation/request shall be deducted from the pre-paid subscription. Comas Srl will periodically send to the client an extract detailing consumption of services.
3.2 Failure to effect payment of the subscription in the terms agreed will result in the suspension of the supply of the service , but will not cause the interruption of the subscription and of the duration of the contract.


Art.4 – Keys and conditions of access

4.1 As regards the accessing of information by telematic means, Comas Srl will allocate an identification “code” (USERID) to the Client and a reserved access code (PASSWORD). The Client shall be obliged to “safeguard” the password with the maximum care and secrecy, adopting the security measures necessary. The Client is personally responsible for any damages which may be caused to Comas Srl following upon the improper use of such information.
4.2 Comas Srl may not in any way be held responsible for difficulties, disruption or impossibility of access to the Data Banks, for reasons relating to the hardware or software of the Client. Similarly, Comas Srl shall be exonerated from responsibility in the case of occupation of the line on the part of other users, and in the event of a technical blackout, strike, fire, flood and judicial actions which impede the use of the service.


Art.5 – Access Times

Access to the Data Banks and to the Telematic Services shall be permitted 7 days a week, from Monday to Sunday, holidays included, from 0800 – 2100hours. On the last day of the month, access will be from 0800 to 1900 hours. Services with off-line execution may be requested on any day and at any time.


Art.6 – Exclusion of Responsibility

6.1 Comas Srl does not assume responsibility for incomplete or erroneous information provided, nor shall it be responsible for the content of data and the archives (including those of third parties). Comas Srl shall not be liable to pay compensation for damages, direct or indirect suffered by the Client following upon the use of information supplied by Comas Srl.
6.2 The days indicated for the execution of some services, are intended to be working days (Saturday is not included) and represents only an indication, which shall not be considered an essential term. The failure to respect same shall not constitute non-fulfilment of contractual obligations and shall not entitle the Client to annul the contract or seek compensation of any type.


Art.7 – Obligations of the Client - Confidentiality

7.1 Information provided may not in any way be brought to the knowledge of either the person or company searched against or to the attention of third parties, excepting for the obligations expressly envisaged by law.
7.2 The Client shall be bound to utilize the services in a correct fashion: the use shall be legal and pertinent to their objectives and he undertakes to guarantee the security and the confidentiality of the data provided by Comas Srl.


Art.8 – Express Resolutive Clause

The following breaches of contract shall bring about the cancellation of rights in this contract, without the necessity of court decree or pronouncement:
1) non-payment(3.3)
2) Obligations of the Client – Confidentiality (7.1, 7.2).


Art.9 - Information; Consent to use of personal data

The Client, by his subscription of this contract, recognizes that he has been informed as to the contents of General Data Protection Regulation, the text of which is quoted and referred to in the Homepage of this site at and grants his consent to the handling and the communication of his data in the ways described in the aforesaid, maintaining Comas free and indemnified form any civil, penal or administrative liability for damages which may be caused as a consequence of or in connection with said use.


Art.10 – Exclusive forum

The Forum of Arezzo shall have exclusive competence as regards any controversy relating to this Contract.


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In terms of and for the effects of the articles. 1341 e 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the Client declares to have read all the clauses of this contract and that he expressly approves them . in particular the conditions referred to in Article 1 – Object of the Contract; Article 2 – Expiry, Duration and Withdrawal; Article 3 – Amount due; Article 4 – Keys and conditions of access; Article 5 – Access times; Article 6 – Exclusion of Reponsibility; Article 7 – Obligations of the Client – Confidentiality; Article 8 – Express Resolutive Clause; Article 9 – Information – consent to use of personal data; Article 10 – Exclusive forum

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