Europe Zone A

Company Identification 
Company name Sample Holding Ltd
Address Rigistrasse 20 - 8002 Zürich - Switzerland (CH)
Telephone: 02 7111111
Fax: 02 7222222
Web Site: http://www.sample.com
E-Mail  info@sample.com

Established: 1906
Registered: 25.08.1924
Line of Business: Tobacco and luxury goods
Industry Division:  Wholesale trade
Nace-Codes: 5135  Wholesale of tobacco products
  5147  Wholesale of other household goods
  5142  Wholesale of clothing and footwear
Import/Export: Import, Export
Export sales:  91.9%
Employees: 1’000-2’000
Sales: CHF 4-6 Bil.
Banks:  UBS Union Bank of Swizerland
  Bank J. Vontobel & Co AG
  Darier, Hentsch & Cie
Organization level: Ultimate Parent
Quoted: Yes (since 1906)
Stock exchange: Zurich, London-Seaq, New York-OTC, Johannesburg

The Sample group exercises financial and operational control over companies operating primarily in the fields of tobacco and luxury goods. In addition, it holds investments in the electronic media and direct marketing industries.

Company Register
Registered: 25.08.1924 (Number: 123.456)
Legal form: Limited company
Company type: Headquarters location
Legal domicile: Rigistrasse 20, 8002 Zürich
Nominal capital: CHF  574'200'000.--
Paid-up capital: CHF  574'200'000.—
Auditor: Sample & Company, Zürich
Activity (orig. Lang.): Beteiligung an anderen Gesellschaften. Finanzierung von Konzerngesellschaften sowie Plazierung von Investitionen.

Board of directors
Title Name
Chairman Peter Nordman
Vice-Chairman Jean-Paul Muller
Delegate Johann van Brijnk
Member Jan Holenweger
Member René Kanoui

Title Name
Director Johann von Brijnk
Director Rolf Gebert
Vice-Director Peter Neumann
Vice-Director Manuela Heuerer
Vice-Director Hans-Peter Kaspar
Vice-Director John Travesco

Executive board
Title Name
Chief Johann von Brijnk
Chief Rolf Gebert
Secretary Alan Grove

Financial Data
Currency: Swiss Francs (CHF)
Denomination:  millions
Consolidation: consolidated
Statement norm: Swiss Accounting and Reporting Recommendations
  International Accounting Standards
Industry: Trade
Fiscal year 31.03.2008      31.03.2007      31.03.2006      31.03.2005    31.03.2004
Number 12                    12                    12                    12                  12

Balance Sheet
Total Fixed assets: 2’876.3 3'207.6 2'855.8 1'325.3 985.4
Intangible: 1’335.0 1'776.0 1'646.8 50.9 23.9
Tangible: 812.1 717.7 680.7 591.8 614.9
Other: 729.2 713.9 528.3 682.6 346.6
Total Current assets: 3'852.5 3'774.4 3'915.3 3'952.4 4'184.7
Stocks: 1’800.2 1'554.9 1'509.3 1'291.8 1'146.6
Debtors: 1’022.1 1'073.1 1'067.8 914.7 954.7
Other: 1'030.2 1'146.4 1'338.2 1'745.9 2'083.4
Cash + equi.(Memo): 869.2 723.5 801.7 1'263.6 1'329.2
Total assets: 6'728.8 6'982.0 6'771.1 5'277.7 5'170.1
Shareholder Funds: 3'239.2 3'335.0 2'917.8 2'539.8 2'074.2
Capital: 223.2 223.2 223.2 223.2 223.2
Other: 3.016.0 3'111.8 2'694.6 2'316.6 1'851.0
Non current liabilities: 1’653.3 1'683.8 1'695.2 665.5 702.8
Long term debt: 1’153.3 1'181.8 1'109.4 103.3 136.0
Other: 500.0 502.0 585.8 562.2 566.8
Current liabilities: 1’836.3 1'963.2 2'158.1 2'072.4 2'393.1
Loans: 408.3 414.1 519.2 473.5 1'014.5
Creditors: 226.7 221.9 209.6 186.0 165.4
Other: 1’201.3 1'327.2 1'429.3 1'412.9 1'213.2
Total funds + liabilities: 6'728.8 6'982.0 6'771.1 5'277.7 5'170.1
Profit and loss account
Operating revenue: 5’021.3 4'755.8 4'306.9 3'852.1 3'665.1
Cost goods sold: 2'821.4 2'735.5 2'517.1 2'289.1 2'221.6
Gross profit: 2'199.9 2'020.3 1'789.8 1'563.0 1'443.5
Oth. Operating expenses: 1’053.2 1'066.1 990.9 875.0 834.8
Operating P/L: 1'146.7 954.2 798.9 688.0 608.7
Financial revenue: 77.8 77.5 98.0 135.4 171.1
Financial expenses: 110.3 116.9 101.2 82.6 117.3
Financial P/L: -32.5 -39.4 -3.2 52.8 53.8
P/L before taxation: 1’114.2 914.8 795.7 740.8 662.5
Taxation: 311.8 308.5 268.4 232.1 173.6
P/L after taxation: 802.4 606.3 527.3 508.7 488.9
Extraordinary revenue: 115.0 291.5 160.3 72.7 0.0
Extraordinary expenses: 99.1 111.0 66.6 5.6 186.5
Extraordinary P/L: 15.9 180.5 93.7 67.1 -186.5
P/L for the period: 818.3 786.8 621.0 575.8 302.4
Minority interests: 276.4 273.4 204.6 296.2 187.4
P/L for the group: 541.9 513.4 416.4 279.6 115.0
Cost of employees: 801.6 800.3 773.7 702.9 692.4
Depreciation: 131.1 124.7 118.1 124.5 118.1
Interest paid: 103.5 106.9 92.2 81.6 117.3
Working capital: 2'595.6 2'406.1 2'367.5 2'020.5 1'935.9
Cash flow EBD: 949.4 911.5 739.1 700.3 420.5
Cash flow EBDIT: 1'277.8 1'078.9 917.0 812.5 726.8
Added value: 2'166.3 2'127.2 1'873.4 1'716.9 1'403.8
Investments: 285.4 215.2 141.8 129.6 99.5
Insured Value Assets: 2’815.3 2'702.9 2'559.0 2'226.0 2'213.0
Empl. end of year: 1770 1765 1755 1699 1680
Empl. domestic: 1300 1298 1283 1288 1295
Empl. foreign: 470 467 472 411 385

The company owns various properties.Detailed information is not available.  

Legal Actions
Last control:  31. October 2008
In the period form March 2003 to March 2008 no legal actions were registered against the company.
An updated legal action check is only available against proof of interest. e.g. a copy of an enquiry letter, and order or invoice relating to the subject company.

Legal form: Limited company, unquoted
Class: 50%
Name: NewVenture Investments Ltd
City/Country: Zug, Switzerland/CH
Interest: 50.0% voting right, 9.1% capital interest
Legal form: Limited company, unquoted
Class: 10-19%
Name: Sample Securities AG
City/Country: Zug, Switzerland/CH
Interest: 18.4% voting right, 33.5% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample Management AG
City/Country: Zürich, Switzerland/CH
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (Switzerland) Ltd
City/Country: Zug, Switzerland/CH
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (UK) Ltd
City/Country: London, Great Britain/GB
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (Deutschland) GmbH
City/Country: Frankfurt, Germany/DE
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (France) SA
City/Country: Paris, France/FR
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (USA) Inc
City/Country: Miami/Florida, America/US
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample (Japan) KK
City/Country: Tokyo, Japan/JP
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Class: 100%
Name: Sample Financial Services SA
City/Country: Luxembourg, Luxembourg/LU
Interest: 100.0% voting right, 100.0% capital interest
Credit Information 

Financial Situation:

The financial situation on the basis of information available is good.

Payment experiences:

There are no complaints about the mode of payment and business conduct.

Business development:

The business development is increased compared to the previous year.

Credit decision: Maximum credit amount CHF 10'000'000.- .

   ***  End of Report  ***

The data contained in this informative report is entirely fictional, and given purely by way of example. The information typologies  supplied in the Business Information on Foreign Companies can vary, both depending on the regulations in force in the country of origin of the company under investigation and on the local service provider.